concept, choreography and direction  Salvo Lombardo
performance  Chiara Ameglio, Cesare Benedetti, Pieradolfo Ciulli, Maura Di Vietri, Daria Greco, Riccardo Olivier, Francesca Penzo, MariaGiulia Serantoni
cultural consultants Viviana Gravano and Giulia Grechi
music Fabrizio Alviti
scene and video  Daniele Spanò
light design and technical direction  Giulia Pastore
boxe coach Gaia Pagnini
executive production  Chiasma and Fattoria Vittadini
coproduction  MilanOltre
with the support of MiBACT – Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali e del Turismo
and IntercettAzioni: un progetto di Circuito CLAPS e Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, Teatro delle Moire, Zona K; Cross Project; Lavanderia a Vapore; Scenario Pubblico – Compagnia Zappalà Danza; Compagnia Versiliadanza | Teatro Cantiere Florida; Ostudio; Spazio Fattoria; Attitudes – Spazio alle arti
Salvo Lombardo’s project at Lavanderia a Vapore (Collegno, Turin) is supported by CROSS PROJECT. An artistic residency designed as the first of several actions throughout the Piedmont region. A sinergy arose from the collaboration between local authorities and communities, which becomes a real opportunity for supporting artists in their research. CROSS PROJECT follows the creative process thanks to Irene Pipicelli, PhD candidate in Performing Arts at University of Turin, with a research project relative to the relation between documentation and performance in the context of contemporary dance. Since 2019, she works as assistant curator of CROSS Residence.

The event is finished.


13 - 21 Mar 2021


All Day


Lavanderia a Vapore
