curated by Compagnia Tardito/Rendina
in collaboration with Piemonte dal Vivo and Casa Luft

Combining apparently distant universes, Compagnia Tardito/Rendina decides to invite some teachers who had persevered for a long time in the investigation of the human being, with a personal poetics and research: during 2018, Raffaella Giordano (for the dance sphere); in 2019, instaed, Antonella Bertoni (for dance, again), fHenk Barendregt (for meditation) and finally Chiara Guidi (for theater).
11 – 15 dicembre 2018, Casa Luft
Contemporary dance laboratory with Raffaella Giordano
2 – 5 aprile 2019, Lavanderia a Vapore
“L’essere scenico” – Contemporary dance laboratory with Antonella Bertoni
1 – 2 giugno 2019, Casa Luft
Vipassana meditation seminary with Henk Barendregt and Mirjam Hartkamp
18 – 23 novembre 2019, Lavanderia a Vapore
Voice’s material composition laboratory with Chiara Guidi
Contacts – mobile + 39 340.4129858 / 339.3731834

The event is finished.


18 - 23 Nov 2019


Quello che ci muove
Quello che ci muove