Home Archivio - Lavanderia a Vapore Per artistə Training DANZATORI PER LA COMUNITÀ | III edizione


Two-year training course for professionals

led by Rita Maria Fabris and Doriana Crema
curated by Associazione Filieradarte
within the project La Piattaforma. La Città Nuova. Natura, paesaggio e riti nella danza contemporanea di comunità
by Associazione Didee-arti e comunicazione e Associazione Filieradarte

The training course Dancers for the community/Danzatori per la comunità aims to provide the artistic and methodological bases of contemporary community dance to new professional figures, to promote the artistic and creative dance experience with and for the others, to widen access to dance with the communities through experiences of active participation in the community dance and theater interventions proposed in the area. The training process will integrate the skills of dancers, dance teachers, professional educators, cultural operators and counselors, and it is open to 20 young people and adult graduates.
For further information: filieradarte@gmail.com
Facebook page Filieradarte Torino

The event is finished.