Dark MatterS | Winter Festival

a project by Lavanderia a Vapore
in collaboration with Black History Month Torino

with the participation of Giuseppe Comuniello, Fabritia D’Intino, Camilla Guarino, Alexandrina Hemsley, Luigi Mariani, Lorenzo Montanaro, Muna Mussie, Marta Olivieri, Federico Scettri, Mariaa Siga, Valerie Tameu
Dark MatterS is a short festival that celebrates the dark and obscurity as a space-time to observe the present and the future with other lenses. In the title, the darkness of matter is transformed into a verb, claiming the subversive power of darkness in rewriting the current sensorial and political landscape. We overturn the hegemony of sight, imposed as a channel for reading the world by the Enlightenment culture, but we also claim the protagonism of voices and bodies that are stigmatized and marginalized and often identified with blackness. Why is the dark so scary? Which thin threads link Darkness and Blackness? How can we open new perceptive glimmers?
The program, in collaboration with Black History Month Torino, combines workshops, performances and talks. The objective is to decolonize aesthetic approaches and canons by giving visibility to artists who are committed to overturning the dominant historical and epistemological perspective.

The event is finished.


22 - 25 Feb 2024


All Day