a creation by Lucrezia Maimone
loosely based on Lorenzo Mattotti‘s graphic works
on stage Lucrezia Maimone, Damien Camunez
sound and music Lorenzo Crivellari
violin Elsa Paglietti
choreographic and dramaturg advice Stefano Mazzotta
acting coach Anthony Mathieu
magic effects Jonathan Giard
scene objects Vinka Delgado
light design Tommaso Contu
photography Federica Peach
video Federica Lì
production Compagnia Zerogrammi
with the contribution of Interconnessioni 2018/T Off, Teatro Si e Boi/Comune di Selargius
with the support of Regione Piemonte, MiBAC – Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
“As in any fairy tale of growth, the narrative insists and returns on the dynamics generated by the demand and the desire for balance facing the obstacle, the test to pass, the safe place and the status to be conquered: abandoning the presumed certainty of a center, the story slides into the precariousness of motion, in the search for a temporary safe place, of a plausible order, to finally give us the only possible certainty: that nothing remains ever the same and that the condition of demand is the only one way to growth, change, discovery.” (Lucrezia Maimone)
Youth is over, imagination is fading away, dreams wander off and become memories, and thoughts mix with reality. A series of large enigmatic books inhabit the scene creating controversial fantasies, telling of our anxieties, our hopes, showing us the fears that we keep in our hearts, asking us eventually not to let the magic of childhood escaping even when we will be old. Simposio del silenzio is a fairy tale about precariousness: weight, balance, risk, the dualistic conflict and the ineluctable desire for an unattainable unitary harmony, a fairytale journey into the dark world of the unconscious, where our implicit self is necessary to be discovered to be able to know our depths, our own complexity, diving into the darkness of our own essence in the hope of re-emerging into,a new unitary and integrated self.
Winning project of CollaborAction Kids XL#1 2018 – Network Anticorpi XL

in the framework of MEDIA DANCE
shows, debates with artists, “alternation school-job” projects

Media Dance aims to combine the experience of theatrical vision with a course of study (pre- and post-show) addressed to students, accompanied by meetings with experts, debates, workshops which trespass in other artistic languages. The project was designed as a tool useful for teachers to deal with contemporary issues, experienced in everyday life: from the relationship with the otherness to the acceptance of diversity, from tolerance to the relationship with body.
Mara Loro – – +39 392 2831375‬

The event is finished.


16 Oct 2019


9:00 pm


Lavanderia a Vapore
Collegno (TO)

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Quello che ci muove