Public Listening · PRENDERE CORPO | Media Dance

public sharing of artistic residency at school aimed to I.I.S. Amaldi Sraffa (Orbassano) concept and led by Viviana Gravano, Giulia Grechi and Salvo Lombardo (Chiasma) within the experimental project  Media Dance 2020/2021 Closing event – attended by students...

PRENDERE CORPO · part 3 | Media Dance

Artistic residency at school aimed to I.I.S. Amaldi Sraffa (Orbassano) concept and led by Viviana Gravano, Giulia Grechi and Salvo Lombardo (Chiasma) within the experimental project  Media Dance 2020/2021 The choreographer’s or dance professional’s artistic research...


Training project aimed to high school teachers I.I.S. Amaldi Sraffa (Orbassano, Turin) and with the trainers involved in the projects of Lavanderia a Vapore It is increasingly essential to know how to educate the younger generations to beauty, understood as an...

PRENDERE CORPO · part 1 | Media Dance

Artistic residency at school aimed to I.I.S. Amaldi Sraffa (Orbassano) concept and led by Viviana Gravano, Giulia Grechi and Salvo Lombardo (Chiasma) within the experimental project  Media Dance 2020/2021 The choreographer’s or dance professional’s artistic research...

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: roots§routes magazine

«When men die, they enter into history. When statues die, they enter into art. This botany of death is what we call culture. That’s because the society of statues is mortal. One day, their faces of stone crumble and fall to earth. A civilization leaves behind itself...