CONSIDERO CASA | Permutazioni

by Noemi Piva
with Noemi Piva, Sara Chinetti, Federica Siani
residency in collaboration with Zerogrammi/Casa LUFT
within the framework of Permutazioni 2022 

“I consider home where my suitcase empties.
I disguise an unknown place as Home.
I carry it with me foldable, pocket-size.
We carry along things that belong to us and to wich we belong to.
We spread them around us.
We call them Home.
Maybe Home is who or what absorbs a piece of me
who or what arouses something that I recognise.
Home is also a place where to lose yourself with no fear.
A place that kidnaps you without bad intentions.”
(August 2019)

Considero casa is related to the previous work Vedere te (1322) that involves the use of different props including a disassembled stool, built and used in the second half of the performance. Considero casa wants to tell a different story connected with the last chapter through the reproposal of this object that is geometrical and finished, but also flexible, maneuverable, handy. The dancers, through the use of different stools, will carry their idea of house around to make it “wear” to pre-existing places. The overlapping and construction/disassembly of the stools and their displacement will give body to new forms to dwell and a new sense to old sites. Every place is different and lends itself in a more or less hostile way to the needs of the individual. Moving is an unintentionally violent action, that impose its own idea of home to an earlier place, forced in this way to change its nature and lose its previous function. We will explore the place for every element (objects, bodies, space, music) to coexist in an homogeneous environment where everything has the same communicative potential. 

The event is finished.


21 Mar 2022 - 01 Apr 2022

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Casa Luft


Quello che ci muove
Quello che ci muove

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