from an idea by Giorgio Rossi
a creation by Elisa Canessa, Federico Dimitri, Francesco Manenti, Giorgio Rossi
performers Elisa Canessa, Federico Dimitri, Francesco Manenti
scenographies Francesco Givone, Francesco Manenti, Francesca Lombardi

costumes Beatrice Giannini, Francesca Lombardi
illustrations Francesco Manenti
lighting design Elena Tedde
production Associazione Sosta Palmizi

with the contribution of  MiBACT, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e del Turismo/Direzione generale per lo spettacolo dal vivo; Regione Toscana/Sistema Regionale dello Spettacolo
with the support of Armunia (Rosignano LI), Wintergarten – Atelier di Teatro Permanente (Livorno), Comune di Castiglion Fiorentino (Ar)
Thanks to Spazio Nunc, Elena Giacomin
A grey house. Three grey characters. Bored, dull and clouded by the technological means, they move like prisoners of a predetermined mechanism, their gaze is always turned to the screens. But here comes an unexpected element! A butterfly will move their look elsewhere and the house will become the theatre of new adventures and transformations. A crescendo of emotions and vicissitudes in which the three protagonists will finally rediscover the power of fantasy, in a continuous game to free their bodies and minds. Esercizi di Fantastica tells, with the language of dance and movement, the power of imagination that transforms things and people into something always unexpected and extraordinary. The authors were inspired by the idea of “Fantastica” by the writer Gianni Rodari, whose 100th anniversary is celebrated in 2020. Close to the surrealism of the 50s and inspired by the work of Alfred Jarry and his pataphysics (the science of imaginary solutions), Rodari affirmed the existence of a Fantastica in total contrast to Logic.

The event is finished.


14 May 2022


6:00 pm


Lavanderia a Vapore

In compliance with the Decree-Law 12/24/2021, in addition to the super Green Pass, it is mandatory to wear the FFP2 mask for the access to the shows. It is also forbidden to consume food or drinks inside the theatre.

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