SPRING ROLLS | Spring Festival

A project by Lavanderia a Vapore

with Giorgia Ohanesian Nardin, Lucilla Barchetta, B. Bordoni, Claudio Larena, Davi Pontes e Wallace Ferreira, Cristina Kristal Rizzo and Enrico Malatesta, Sara Leghissa, Alex Baczyński-Jenkins, Isterika Istorika, Lorenzo Peluffo and Enrico Turletti, the neighbourhood party Village People (a format by Ásrún Magnúsdóttir), the collective performance Los Faunos and the format  La Boutique that opens the traditional  Gala per la Giornata Internazionale della Danza curated by Fondazione Egri per la Danza. 

Talks, workshops and performances to celebrate Spring time and the International Dance Day, established by the UNESCO International Dance Council. With the blossoming of Spring we awake and revive the stranger in us, the multitude that each of us contains, the plurality of own identities that can lead us to form unpredictable communities. With the arrival of Spring, it is time to be out: out of joint and outside. Let the transformation begin!
Read and enjoy the full programme. 



The event is finished.


26 - 28 Apr 2024


All Day


Lavanderia a Vapore